Thursday, July 23, 2009

What's that noise?

Did you hear that?
Maybe i'm imagining things, did anyone hear noise!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Interruptive Vibes

(The title here was written before knowing the content of the blog post, but it's an interesting title so I'll brainstorm something under)

Say you get on a bus, you locate a seat without a reserving object on top, and once you sit you start worrying about who would be your companion for today's journey!
It's like a traditional marriage in a sense.. you wait till the day comes and 'unwrap' your significant mother err other!
Five years of getting on the bus daily to go to uni I've experienced all types of 'companions'! And that 'interruptive journey-long company you share early morning each day could either get you off the bus with good vibes or bad ones!

I don't know if this fitted well under the title, but.. its the tendency of personally engaging or to be personally affected by external existing conditions, let it be a person sitting next to you, weather, heavy traffic, environment, landscape, context... whatever it is.. It is quite difficult to remain indifferent and merely perceptive of surrounding phenomena.. but to what extent do we have control of the type of effect these external phenomena could have on us, how do we draw boundaries and how can we experientially modify the ummm.. politics of these temporarily relationships (iza bidek)

y3ni, a taxi driver can be the most irritating 'thing' on earth! (not to you girls trust me! id rather have a taxi check me out in the mirror rather than having to hear all he has to say! and i have some horrible stories, contact me for some!)
so many times I fake a phone call or engage in something, but theres this one time when the guy was complaining and I found some interesections with him when I tried hearing, and we ended up having lunch together at a burger place (my treat!) which he claimed was better than (burgar killing, and mcdonas)! The burger wasn't bad, neither the conversation.. well if the words were spoken by a blonde in a softer tone while holding an iPhone with a teddy-bear chain it could have been like any other conversation! SO THE IDEA IS, these vibes which were pretty disturbing, changed by experientially altering the perception pattern..!

Well these were just thoughts, tried to fit them into the title! This is not conclusive but it's an interesting experience which most of you go through on daily basis.. Start noticing it and write down some of these examples of observations.. maybe we'll tidy the words up a little bit, match with an illustration and stuff it in Interruptions!
Ya3tikon il 3afiyeh

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More about LAVA

LAVA started in 1993 when a group of students of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) created an Internet site about Architecture. Most of the members from this first period have since graduated.
Since the beginning of 1997 the level of activity on LAVA was very low. Many sites are still linking to parts of the LAVA site. We decided to turn our site into a so-called Web Ring.

So LAVA is now a distributed site. The largest part is hosted by the group of Design Systems.

As the LAVA group no longer exists, the website is inactive. We are keeping it as a documentation of our work. Thank you for your interest.

Interesting Comments on Koolhaas S,M,L,XL on Lava

Alphabet: The alphabet launches a series of platitudes that could not otherwise be reasonably inserted in the texts [versus xviii-1302]
Assembly: The book is assembled, not written; therefore it is not a novel about architecture [versus 1348]
Beauty: Of the two positions on beauty: (1) a principle (geometry, balance, composition, etc.) that will render good buildings, and (2) a property emerging from a good solution, S,M,L,XL demonstrates position (2)
Chronology: The chronology explains the contents of the book (how did they do it?)
Concept: A pervading use of vocabulary does not necessarily indicate a clear set of concepts
Gay science: The call for urbanism to lighten up is legitimate, however not because it is not responsible [versus 971, 829] but because it offers new possibilities
Globalization 1: Rem Koolhaas shits his pants for Richard Meier; whereas he is one of his most alike collegues [versus 365]
Globalization 2: The Byzantium clash demonstrates they are both picked for their style not their architecture [354-361]
Level: The use of levels of scale offers a good structure for ordering the book
Numbers: The careful numbering of the pages demonstrates the necessity for some control
Serious: The weight and production time of S,M,L,XL contradict its supposed lightness [versus 1053]
Understanding: Coherence imposed on an architect's work is the result of reflection; this is lacking in the book [versus xix]
Weight: The measure of discussion per project indicates its relative weight; therefore the book is not a reference work
Wrong: Two billion people can be wrong [versus 1087]

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Shawirma is Faster than Fast Food

Homeless in Amman | Pt1:
Shawirma is faster than 'fast food', don't know how that is relevant but it's one of the things I noticed during my quest for a referential residence in the city of Amman!

This post is personal, random and stupid; it is not meant to be neat, organized or even make sense!
1. Again, shawirma is faster than fast food, and these are not the states on the American flag, these are Hardees stars!
(Exercise: Who can fix an american flag with hardees stars on?)

2. Falafel ought to be cheap, each piece of Falafel should be true to itself, its essence, its cheap ingrediants and the masses which it relates it and preserve its purpose as an alternative to burgers as long as class division is preserved

3. Each one of us carries his house's window frame and sees the city through, those with no homes are stupid enough to wish they had your frame!

4. No apartment should have fixed rent, for that existance is relative

5. Flats and 'significant others'; one much easier to find than the other but both can be bargained

6. The previous post is not sexist; for that both sexes agree with posts 1 and 2

7. When renting an apartment one has to rent the owner's values, regulations and beliefs; future estate advertisenments would look like this:
A Fundamentalist Apartment, 2 bedrooms (only for sleeping purposes), overlooking Qaeda HQ! Fundamentalist couples only (preferably rich), entery test required!

8. The previous apartment exists in Dahiet al Hussain, opposite of Aramex

9. If you're in the street, waiting for a cab but can't find any, call the 'Mumayaz'; not so they would send you a cab, but so you would entertain yourself listening to Frank Sinatra's "I did it my way" for over 15 minutes while on hold until you finally find a yellow cab!

10. One building should burn in every neighborhood so that real estate prices would get back to more logical pricing! There MUST be decent one room apartments for less than 350 jds a month!

11. Jordan Gate project does NOT own pavements and the streets surrounding the project (for security reasons) the only thing which should be eliminated for "security reasons" are those jinxed ugly disgusting towers which so far has collapsed three times, burned once and broken 'raf3a'!

12. Um Uzaina is NOT Khalda! Even if real estate offices said so! Don't give them 10 jds! And let them pay for their own damn transportation!

13. In general, and even if Shawirma is faster than fast food, it loses the benefit for the awful effect of 'garlic' in a ridiculously hot summer!

14. No interruptionists should eat shawirma while writing an article for that garlic's effect is contagious, and we (at interruptions) are ready to interrupt any cheap attempt to leak garlic to the pages of our beloved publication

15. posts 13 and 14 were written after consuming massive amounts of shawirma and garlic substance and then walking down to an internet cafe at Jam3a street at almost midnight

16. Even if written under these circumistances, doesnt make any of the previous points wrong, or less credible

I end this post here, and today's question is:
iPhone or Blackberry Bold?

Goodnight everyone!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Member 20!

Okay ... I will too, just haven't gotten around to doing it. But I reserve the right for membership # 20. Even if someone else signs up before me, they cannot have that spot, otherwise I will start a one person rebellion!

A toast from ELSEWHERE in the spirit of the Sidawi's printing press, the first officially registered company in Damascus from 1911. Lets hope Interruptions will have a similarly rich and captivating story in the years to come.


Friday, July 3, 2009

1417 Candles

Check out this link then please share it...
Feel free if you have any comments.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Connecting the dots and whatever they might represent.

Ok, so here it is: Connecting the points during my journey between the two cities Amman & Montreal, which could be called (THERE & ELSEWHERE ) for that matter. Since the rules where totally open, then a line on a plain could go through the same point infinite times, if most of you naturally assumed that my line is conceived on an X- Y plain. But if you were to introduce the Z axis, which is the case when traveling between two destinations existing in space, all you architects should have the ripe imagination to envision the fantastic continuous spatial path between the two points without ever having to pass through the same point twice, tough it might deceptively look like it does.

Paolo, true this is as far as it can get from the "Less is More" dictum. In the infinitely complex world we live in, I am always searching for Ariadne's thread to find my way between one point and another.

Eman connecting form the ELSEWHERE point.
July 1,2009 ( Canada Day)!