Tuesday, June 23, 2009


All interruptionists, those who aren't busy yet, here you go, those of you already busy, what's one more tiny thing going to do :)
Well, here's the deal, attached is a .jpeg format of an A4 layout.

>> Print

>>Connect the dots
(however you like, using whatever material you like, there's absolutely no limits on the ways you can connect them but the most obvious "one straight line" answer isn't an option, and no; it's not profound in any way)

>>Scan or Photograph it

>>Post on blog
{tag it "exercise")
>>Send it
in high-resolution to both interruptions e-mail and (pinkblackwaters@gmail.com) Please fill in subject "exercise"

In this issue, there will be a white page with two dots inside with the same request to the readers of the magazine, the page will have a perforated edge or a (cut here) indication, and all interested readers will be interrupted into doing this simple exercise, then scanning or shooting it, and finally sending it back to us causing a level of engagement and interaction between the interrupter and the interrupted.

Us doing it is simply a case study on what a bunch of creatives from different backgrounds and disciplines would do. And these examples you do will be published too.

This is not a test or a competition and there is only one rule; connect the dots, other than that, anything goes.

There shouldn't be any questions; Hopefully Posts will start coming in quickly.

Thank you all for your participation.

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