Ok, so here it is: Connecting the points during my journey between the two cities Amman & Montreal, which could be called (THERE & ELSEWHERE ) for that matter. Since the rules where totally open, then a line on a plain could go through the same point infinite times, if most of you naturally assumed that my line is conceived on an X- Y plain. But if you were to introduce the Z axis, which is the case when traveling between two destinations existing in space, all you architects should have the ripe imagination to envision the fantastic continuous spatial path between the two points without ever having to pass through the same point twice, tough it might deceptively look like it does.
Paolo, true this is as far as it can get from the "Less is More" dictum. In the infinitely complex world we live in, I am always searching for Ariadne's thread to find my way between one point and another.
Eman connecting form the ELSEWHERE point.
July 1,2009 ( Canada Day)!
hello if you look closely my post says less is more... and then less is a bore... ;)