Monday, May 4, 2009

9.45 AM Reporting from JUST

The day starts at 5.00 am
Leave the house at 5.30
Meet everyone at Abdali at 6.00am
Iman, Rula, Mais, Dina, Darya and myself

target: interrupting Abdali at 6.00 am
purpose: undetermained!
idea's IQ level: not much!

This experiment is one of many we are hoping to continue further on as a part of an attempt to understand the city's urban awakening at various nods!

I had to leave the group to catch an exam at JUST! I'm pretty glad I did alright with the exam but pretty sad I missed the breakfast!

Those who were there, Report!


  1. THe day starts: Me no recall when! did the previous day end... or is it a continous cycle...

    Leave the house?!! was it a house! was it home... did we really leave home... it still felt like home...

    everyone... did we really meet everyone... who is everyone... was anyone missing.... it wasn't everyone....

    we were a group of females and one male... he was in interruption... thus he left to his exam...

    posted by Mais to interrupt Khaled's thoughts...

  2. I had to go to the exam!!
