Well done interruptions, you have succeeded again in interrupting the anti blogging patterns some of us have (including myself). And correct me if I’m wrong, but I have noticed that some of us (including myself again) have witnessed some minor blogging –dyslexia symptoms; I couldn’t but notice the beautiful posts we have and the zero comments we have after them, this is why I hate blogging, the reactions you have in daily confrontations are always faster, more genuine and less sophisticated.. anyways I am not going to re-write the anti-blogging manifesto again.. I am posting all my comments in my post.
--After the Bananas?--
ان تعثر- وقف- توقف-----> عثر
After the actual act of slipping on a banana, you rise up. Being the object causing the effect of slipping - a banana- and not any other lame fruit , you stand up and look back smiling at the banana. This is how I see the next interruptions, we should look back at the bananas our bananas and slips and rise up.
After the actual act of slipping on a banana, you rise up. Being the object causing the effect of slipping - a banana- and not any other lame fruit , you stand up and look back smiling at the banana. This is how I see the next interruptions, we should look back at the bananas our bananas and slips and rise up.
Eman, your pink interruption has been valuable and enjoyable to all of us, a beautiful post, and a great anti-blogging manifesto introduction. Looking forward to see your visual contributions :)
--Chain of email to brainstorm interruptions in arabic + بلا عنوان و لكن--
Nadin, the brainstorming email chain we had was actually initiated from your previous Arabic contribution, the fact that it was the only Arabic contribution was a frustrating interruption to me.
عنوني كتاباتك بالعربية .. فكتابتك تستحق الوقوف عندها
--To Rula--
Thank you Darya that would be great, if you could email them to me on rulayaghmour@gmail.com
--Art + Interruption--
Dina, Schedule a meeting for us to start working.
---Time Framee---
---Roasted Peanuts---
Nader, Keep interrupting us with your witty contributions/ attitude, this is always a plus for the magazine :D
---Proposition for Jabal Al Qala’ Intervention---
I love the photo Eman, the two ladies reflect the state of anticipation, worry and concern this neighborhood is experiencing. We should act fast.
--Art + Interruption--
Dina, Schedule a meeting for us to start working.
---Time Framee---
---Roasted Peanuts---
Nader, Keep interrupting us with your witty contributions/ attitude, this is always a plus for the magazine :D
---Proposition for Jabal Al Qala’ Intervention---
I love the photo Eman, the two ladies reflect the state of anticipation, worry and concern this neighborhood is experiencing. We should act fast.
As for my photo/ post , don’t worry Khalid this is not the picture I have for the photo-essay contribution, I accidently stopped at the red light of this picture in my mobile, and thought of posting it for you -interruptionists- to brainstorm with me the thoughts you have about a traffic light- not necessarily this traffic light- or about the thoughts that mumble in you head when stopping at a traffic light...
As for my photo/ post , don’t worry Khalid this is not the picture I have for the photo-essay contribution, I accidently stopped at the red light of this picture in my mobile, and thought of posting it for you -interruptionists- to brainstorm with me the thoughts you have about a traffic light- not necessarily this traffic light- or about the thoughts that mumble in you head when stopping at a traffic light...
Excuse my messy-reddish blogging experience.
feel free to change it back to black khalid.. or any other color..
Traffic lights are a chance to day dream... or make phone calls.... :)