Wednesday, May 13, 2009

dunno maybe but maybe i dunno

the title has to do with my complete lack of knowledge of my subject for the banana issue ( cracking my knuckles and smiling an embarrased grin)....
anyway.. maybe just maybe it might be along the lines of ego vs. interruption. and vice versa..

and so in that tone i leave a picture of what.... of mE!
how egocentrical? dont you think? i think ill interrupt your philosophical ,political and profound feelings thoughts and posts by posting .... ME.

AHEM AHEM yes me its me with the hand in the air.. i would like to say something that is probably feverishly more important than what you have to say.

im also thinking about those interruptions, that result like a fresh blast of air. those moments that are apart from some solemn context: a congress, a religious event, a funeral, a symphony concert.. and then somebody farts, a dog walks in, a kid vomits, a dove flies, a balloon floats in...
objects that interrupt its context by intruding by their mere presence AHA!!!!!! i know what i want!

i have just remembered an idea that i had had before... I will speak about the intrusional presence of an object in a context that dictates otherwhise. acoompanied by a series of photographs of these objects. objects objections?

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