Monday, August 17, 2009

The Cataclysmic Manifesto

The Cataclysmic Manifesto

The greatest of human beings, be they leaders or orators, had often had good speech writers. Since our client is unable to speak, or so we are led to believe, a manifesto that addresses their kind and ours is much needed.

A manifesto is a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives or motives issued by a government, sovereign or organization.

It is a collaborative social and literary work that pours into the good of those who wrote it and those intended to benefit from it: Cats and humans alike. I want you all to envision what a cat would want to include in a manifesto about its rights in a world dominated by man.

Alexander Pope once wrote, "Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; the proper study of Mankind is man."

Some of our feline clients might assume anthropomorphic attributes especially with the advent of social, architectural and technological breakthroughs to their primitive society.

So what would you demand from a superior creature? Think like a cat…

Here is an example:

Mike (me) pretending to be a cat addressing a crowd of cats and humans:

Liberty, equality and fraternity are three words that sum up the entire human experience. A cat alas is born free but not equal. In order to be looked upon as equals and brothers we, cats, must rise again with our long forgotten legacy.

Fellow cats let us regain our long lost collective memory. Fellow humans I am most certain that being worshiped again as the progeny of Bast is out of the question but at least treat us as your equals.

P.S: I have commenced work on a number of different stories and will publish them tomorrow as soon as possible.

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