Monday, August 17, 2009

[ Cats: The Workshop!] Day Two - Second Edition

Last night's Cats workshop session was different. I regret having to leave early and not hearing the cat-ideas that overflowed later on in Makan.

Ahmad and Hadi gazed at the blog summary of the first day wondering how four hours were squeezed in less than 500 words.

A flurry of brilliant ideas about security, transportation, food, habits and cat contraptions flowed along with the main points that we decided to focus on.

1)Elevated catwalks that would provide security for traveling cats and that would blend with the surrounding environment

2)Underground winter heating systems through machinery built in asphalt. A vehicle would park over the opening that resembles a manhole.

3)Paris Circle would be the main headquarters of cats that connect them to food sources, playgrounds and recreational facilities and offer them a secure transportation system.

4)Ball dispensers that would lead cats to their recreational facilities.

5)A signage system designated for cats that rely on sensory elements like smell and eyesight. How will we direct cats to certain designated places.

6)A wall that encircles Paris Circle and that would isolate cats from the surrounding human city. It was argued if cats need entrances or can simply jump over the wall thanks to their enviable jump. Basketball players eat your hearts out.

7) Conveyer belts for underground food transportation.

8) Tunnels build under the Lewebdeh area and that would allow cats to reach food sources. Whether cats would prefer going through or over the tunnel was discussed.

9)Cat products that enable the feline race to barter with humans. A suggestion included cats selling some of their offspring to humans for food and other products.
Other points that were discussed revolved around cat and human interaction, propaganda, the right to the project area. We were reminded that Jabal Al Lewebdeh was not only for cats.

If there were techniques that I forgot to add in this post please add.

Should the project adopt a radical or a conservative approach? How will cats interact within their own community? Will there be laws that govern their existence in a human-like city?

However, it was decided that humans are aware of the cats' project.

Eventually we discussed the conceptual design of the city within the city at Paris Circle and the three main project points that were written on the board were: Transportation, events and culture. At that point the time struck 8:00 p.m. and I had to leave to read a news bulletin.

Waiting for the third day cats' workshop session that I will post tonight…

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