Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[ Cats: The Workshop!] Day Three - Second Edition

The third day held a few surprises as both teams Group A, B, C, who are in charge of Transition + Context + Logistics + Spatial Design (Khaled, Rula, Dina and Yazan) and Group D, who are in charge of Visual Culture + Narrative (Dana, Hadi, Mike, Ahmad) met to discuss their concepts.

Everything Group A, B and C designed was hanging on the wall. It was quite interesting as it deployed designs that relied on pipes. Group A, B and C had photocopied photographs of tunnels on top of which they placed silhouetted cats.
One of the intriguing concepts was the outdoor cat restrooms, referred to as Al Nono, that were made of vertical pipes planted in the ground.

The pipelines were also used to connect the surrounding areas like Al Abdali with Paris Circle. The homes that are situated on the tunnel path would be utilized as food sources.

Other designs utilized pipes as route connectors, perforated food pathways and sleeping quarters when sawed in half.

The perforated pipes allows cats to detect food scents and use them as traveling paths.

We believe that the Paris circle is a meeting point...a junction.

Both teams agreed.

Hadi asked about the use of pipes. A number of functions included circulation and transportation—basically function is assigned to design.

We are creating a hub.

The discussion continued to include designs on an urban level like linking function to resources.

Whenever the Red District was mentioned during the meeting everyone laughed.
A tunnel transportation tunnel that allows cats to travel and at the same time procreate was one of the group's suggestions.

The red district is underground because it is against our culture.

The Paris Circle is the highest point in the area and everything will connect to it.
One of the main questions that came up was, "How do they meet?"

Amazing how everything interconnects.

Both teams believed that they were in-synch and no sooner Group D explained their concepts everyone was positive that the project was on the right track: A Unified track.

Everyone agreed that food and water should not be restricted to one district and that cats know beforehand the whereabouts of such precious resources.

We need to think about food as it is the most important thing?

It was Group D's turn and Hadi opened up the discussion that was followed by Dana's
Cat Campaign.

We all agreed that changing perspective from a cat's to a human's is an important premise in our project.

Don't Look Up…It is Time for Them To Look Up…

Group D presented three products:

-The convex mirror:

A convex mirror would be attached a trash container so as to reveal to humans the existence of cats in it. At the same time it would allow cats to see approaching humans. This product simply reduces cat fatalities.

-The Catmobile:

The Catmobile offers cats a camouflaged retreat. Who would bother with an old car parked at the street? The car would be fitted with cat quarters.

-Cateyes (Spies in disguise):

Cateyes are more than light reflectors for human drivers. Cats use them as spying cameras and hidden entrances. The data collected from these Cateyes are sent to a Central Processing Unit (CPU) in Paris Circle underground community.

Group D's main premise was the usage of lazer, which has two functions: Logo and C-rave.

The Cat Logo of Catatonia, the name of the cat city, would be created using Lazer beams coming from the beams at Paris Circle.
Using Lazer as a guiding system was discarded.

C-rave is an annual event held by cats in which these little fun loving creatures use humans for creating their own rave.

Humans are invited to Paris Circle, were they play with chrome plated balls of different colors. The balls reflect the Lazer that will provide the lighting system for the cats.
Another Lazer related finding was that cats are addicted to Lazer: It is their drug. Don't do Lazer is the title of a cat orientated awareness campaign.

Dana then talked about the broader awareness campaign that will address humans and cats alike. Its purpose is to know more about both races.

If you think this is all…you are in for a big surprise.

Waiting for the results of the fourth session that is about to begin.

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