Sunday, August 23, 2009

[Cats: The Workshop] day five, six, seven, eight and counting...

Woke up an hour late! Rushed to the car and gunned through Amman's serpentine streets leading to Makan.

The past few days were quite productive for the team handling the Catatonia Account.

Time to produce a collective blog post…

It was decided that we will hold a rough exhibition, a.k.a. "A Work in Progress," at Makan between Tuesday and Wednesday. The opening is at 8:30 p.m.

What have we done so far…?

Dana created cat-related commercial product logos...they are quite innovative and will soon adorn Makan's wall.

The room on the left at the far end of Makan is turning into quite a visual sanctuary thanks to Dina and Rula, who have been working on it non-stop.

While Rula drew Elevations Dina worked on Perspectives that included an aerial shot of Paris Circle. Soon someone will be caught in the red ;-)

The perspective wall is quite amazing and will blow people out of their minds—then again the overall idea of Interruptions' Cat Workshop will undoubtedly have the same effect.

Someone attending the exhibition on Tuesday might say, "What were those guys and girls on cause I want to have the same?"

Needless to say it was imagination followed by inspiration and teamwork.
Hadi produced the Catmobile for Orange Tubby that is hovering above the ground at the same room, where Rula, Yazan and Rula are working. Just saw Hadi and learned that he and Toleen are about to start working on the cat products that were thought of in the past few days: Cat Watch, Cat Eyes and Cat-Mobile.

Rula is also start working on the urban wall at Makan's entrance.

Yazan has been working on sketches that will be dubbed either (Urban Cat-gets) or (Pipeology). The sketches demonstrate a number of cat orientated city details: Chat rooms, watchtowers and restrooms.

A cat acquaintance of Khaled inked two articles for a Cat Gazette about the buzz surrounding Catatnoia. You got to read it when you visit Makan on opening day.

As for me I created a comic rendition of the Cat Workshop story. Ahmad digitized it and gave it an artistic feel. I also worked on a three panel rendition after being inspired by a piece written by Nader Gammas.

Ahmad also created an artistic wall called Catatonia (بنت عم الدنيا), which is situated next to Yazan's project.

All in all: Papers have been cut, stories printed, stencils were created, walls sketched on and collaged, ideas conceived on paper, lines intersecting to create sketches and above all cats remembered.

Interruptions' Cats Workshop is about the collaboration between architects, designers and writers [An All Star Team of Creative Individuals].

Everyone is still working hard to meet the August 25th and 26th deadline that will reveal to the world a Catatonia like no other…

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