Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Operation C-Rave

Top Secret:

For Cat's Eyes Only

Operation C-Rave

Introduction by General Cat Mandu, from the Seventh Dynasty of Ammanite Cats:
Transcribed circa August, 19, 2009

Fellow cat citizens,

Unlike humans cats are never dreary or weary. We are a fun loving race.
We have long suffered at the hands of Homo sapiens. It is time for us to use them the same way they used us every time we drew a smile on their faces with our playfulness and unpredictable antics.

Our top scientists at the Catcore in Cat City have developed a mass celebration weapon (MCW) that will enthrall you all.

Tonight we will show the world our true worth and metal. My children even though there is a ban on the usage of Lazer, as Lazer is not only power but a mind devastating drug, each month and when the moon is full a night of ecstasy will be unveiled to your joyous eyes.

This night that we'll dub C-Rave will be held at Paris Circle when all humans are asleep. Our propaganda bureau has devised a plan to lure a number of unsuspecting humans, who will be led to believe that they are invited to a human rave.

Upon reaching Paris Circle, where our scientist will prepare the necessary cat-machinations, humans will find chrome plated balls. A Lazer system will be unleashed from the high beams atop which our cat-haven will be situated on Paris Circle. The humans will start playing with the balls that will deflect the Lazer through a special glass system.

Motion and light detectors will record their movement and the Lazer's reflection creating our light system. The rest is up to you.

The C-Rave will be helmed by our greatest musical prodigy since Scat-man: DJ Catskills.

At that night do not show any restraint and unleash your basic instincts. This is the most purr-fect recreational plan concocted by the feline race.

I congratulate all those, who worked on it.

Good day to you all,

General Cat Mandu

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