Saturday, August 8, 2009

Interruptions presents- [CATS: the Workshop!]

Interruptions recruits designers from multiple disciplines for a secret design mission called upon by the [Under Ground Cat Society]- Participants are to, collaboratively, reform an urban setting to meet the requirements of 'cats' as living beings parallel to humans and have certain characteristics, community structure, needs and affiliations.
10-15 participants will be selected for a one week workshop hosted at [Makan 15th -22nd August]

Workshop Coordinators:
Interruptions + Ahmad Sabbagh (Blouzaat)

the Interruptions team have been invited to a top secret meeting with an anonymous governmental official. The meeting promises to disclose crucial confidential data, something that will surely, if ever leaked to the people, shake the very foundation of its fragile society.

upon entering the meeting room, however, the team find themselves, completely on their own. Unless you count the large, orange tabby cat sitting upright on the meeting table. The cat, licking its whiskers (slightly maliciously, you might say) quite simply, proceeds to talk. (Alice de ja vu, anyone?)

It tells the flabbergasted team of a secret underground society, one that has been slowly forming over the past few decades. It tells them that the members of that society had had enough. Living be the upper caste's rules was no longer acceptable. "We live by their rules, We eat by their rules, We breathe by their rules, we bloody die by their freakin rules"

This secret society has taken it upon themselves to start creating their own little world. Right under the nose of the humans, the furry little members forage for raw material and castaways, and use them to build their own enclosures and private spaces, mechanisms to make their life easier and safer, freeways and secret roads.

The orange tabby takes the team on a tour of the hidden feline society. Only, they discover that its not so much hidden as unseen. They have simply never looked before. Under the cars, in the trash cans, alley ways... you've seen the cat, but you've never seen what's behind the cat. All the better, where the cat is concerned.


- liberating design thinking from standardized prescriptive typologies
- testing potentials and possibilities of multi-disciplinary design approach

- Participant numbers are limited,
- Participants are expected to join us from the 15th to the 22nd of August, All evenings (after 6.00 pm) except two full days on weekends.
- Participation fee (10.00 JD)

To Join:
Please send us your personal and contact info, fields of interests and (preferably) samples of your work to:

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